President Speaks

I believe .......

Brilliants are not born but they are made and the greatness lies in the teacher.

An ideal teacher would be one who has knowledge about his or her subject and should have love and affection towards every child. The most important thing is that a teacher should understand that each child is special in his own way. It is very easy to pick up talented or bright children and leave out the not so bright ones, but the nobility of the teacher lies in treating each child equally. The teacher should see that the students should develop creative skills of all nature but they should not be treated as ‘marks scoring machines’. The children should also get enough fun and excitement to express themselves freely and in the process become bold, confident, smart children of today’s world to face any challenge. I also believe Education has at all times, character building as its major objective and should reflect the ideals propogated by His Excellency the then President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam – Nobility in leadership, Indomitable spirit of inquiry, Universal brotherhood and more over Value based education to children. I am trying to put all these marvelous precepts in practice in my school.