
Procedure for Admission

The following documents should be submitted by the students at the time of admission and prescribed fee should be paid.

1. Birth Certificate

2. Caste Certificate (only for Backward Castes, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes)

3. Income Certificate (Those who are interested to avail fee concession)

4. Transfer Certificate and Marks Statement (for admission into classes VII to X)

5. Record Sheet and Marks Statement (for admission into classes II to VI or Entrance Test for direct admission into I to VI classes).

Admission Test will be conducted for admitting children into UKG to X class to test their academic standards and abilities.

6. Aadhar card copy

7. Ration card copy

7. Passport size photos (2)

8. Student with parents / Student with guardian photograph


Download Admission Application

Admissions Open

Admission Pamphlet

Pamphlet 1

Pamphlet 2